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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Start-ups Unit 7

In this unit you are going to revise the use of passive voice. Check the presentation below to analyse the difference between active and passive voice.

Try these exercises to practice:

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3

Here you can see how you use passive voice with modal verbs:

Modal Verbs in the Passive Voice
(modal verb) + be + past participle  

1. Pancakes can be made on a stove.
2. Bikes may be ridden on this bike path.
(permission is given)
bike riders
3. People must be warned that there are crocodiles in the area.crocodile

5. Something should be done about global warming or else some types of penguins will perish from the earth.penguin
6. A lot of cows can be raised on a productive

adapted from:

Try these other exercises

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